I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Mango
I just love mango. It is the best fruit in the world. I also like mango ice cream. After giving up dairy products, I wasn't able to try mango ice cream until I saw coconut mango ice cream at Whole Foods. Now even with these plant-based options, they are still high in sugar. So I decided to make a healthier version that uses monk fruit powder instead. I also wanted to try a nut-free version, so I am using avocado, which is another fruit I really like. Below are the ingredients. Blend them in a food processor or blender, and then put in a freezer.
2 mangos
2 has avocados
1 zucchini
1 Tbsp chia seed
1 Tbsp turmeric powder (optional)
1 Tbsp monk fruit powder
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 mango to garnish and mix inside the ice cream (optional)